Friday, November 13, 2009

October: Senior Homecoming

Oh, one of high school’s finest traditions and biggest highlights of the year. Yes, homecoming. The game, the dance, the aftermath. The spirit, the excitement, the drama....

Apparently, drivin' round in a bigass truck with a bigass flag is completely necessary.

I was particularly fond of this year’s dress up day themes: Pirates of the Caribbean vs Shanghai Nights, Star Wars vs Harry Potter, Revenge of the Nerds vs Justice League. Some guys jumped a fence during the pep rally and ran across the field wearing a gorilla and a banana suit. We won the game. The next day, I prepped with my dear friend Erin. Then, our group (of 22 people!) met at another girl's house and we took the traditional photos before heading out for a grotesquely large dinner at a fancy Italian restauraunt. [Note: Allen’s driving skills are questionable.]

The dance theme was Hollywood, so I planned on wearing my platinum blond wig. It was busy drying on a chair in the bathtub, though, so I had to ditch that idea. (That’s not weird… at all...) I also tried to consider the dignity and sanity of my date. Still, I danced the night away as only a half-sane pop idol could. I did feel pangs of regret when they plaid the Pokerface music video on the projector, however. Three of my friends and I stayed until the very end, mourning our last homecoming dance ever. Well, I was mourning, at least. Then we stopped at Magnolia’s to cure our late night munchies with Mag Mud. Wonderful, wonderful, night.

Holy nachos, Batman!

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