Friday, November 28, 2008

Black Friday

Today I woke up early, did my nails, then went to the mall with my mom.

Last night, she realized that we had made an appointment with a makeup artist at MAC several weeks ago. We were thinking about canceling it, since today is the busiest shopping day of the year. The mall would be a madhouse. But then we thought... what the heck... and we went anyway.

The guy who did my makeup was really cool. I showed him some pictures of makeup I liked, including this picture of Megan Fox:

He said that we had similar features (I wish), so he did my makeup like that, with a little more of a cat eye. It looked really nice. I ended up buying two powder eyeshadows and the 217 blending brush. He told me that I should be a model, or try out for America Next Top Model. (Ha. People always say that, but it's only cause I'm tall.) My dear mother immediately jumped in and said, "Oh no, she wants to be a CIA Agent!!!" The makeup artist sure got a kick out of that. XD Anyway, getting made up was really fun. However, I don't have a picture of it because it creased and looked disgusting by the time I got home. I think it was the cream eyeshadow. :/

My mom, repeating her mantra of wanting to look "younger and more beautiful" to her makeup artist, was disappointed. The lady that did her makeup went for a lighter, natural look, but my mom had been expecting something really dramatic. So next time I guess she will have to be a little clearer...

Oooh! And I got some fabulous books! They are exactly what I've been looking for. They were quite expensive though, so my mom said that it was my birthday present. I love them so so so so much.

(Black Friday purchases)

I am exhausted from shopping. I think I will go read a little now. Ciao!

I need chocolate daily. NEEEEEEED!

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