Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Hi, I love you.

Watch Tokio Hotel's new World Behind My Wall music video at there official website!


Ain't That a Coinkydink


Progressive Dinner

Friday, December 11, 2009

I have a crush on Peter Pan.

I may be eighteen now, but I will never grow up.

Beautiful roses from my parents. I am 18 as of yesterday.

December: Art Walk

Beautiful day for selling jewelry and glass bead menageries. Freezing though. Zaq looks aggravatingly stylish while I shiver in my blanket cocoon. Luckily, Torchy's Tacos have the power to annihilate any trace of frigidness.

December: SNOW DAY

Let it be known that it snowed in Texas. (Even if it was only for an hour and there was no accumulation, it does not change this fact.) Inner child released by presence of snowflakes.


December: College Visit

Went to the SouthNorth Pole. I mean Rice University. Stayed in a very strange hotel.

November: Thanksgiving

Grateful for my family and all that we have. Never take anyone or anything for granted.

Mmmmm Thanksgiving Dog.

My brother made some fancy galantine.

...And tamales. He gave them to employees in the E.R.

Lemons we grew.

Pear we ...bought.

November: Mom's Birthday

Happy Birthday Mom! The whole family got up early and went on a walk in a beautiful park nearby.

Look at that fancy cake. :)

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Maserati Birdcage


This is a concept car that Maserati made to celebrate it's 75th birthday. It has a V12 engine.. 700 horsepower. It looks like an alien. I want.

Unfortunately, it's not going to be produced.

I hate my life.

Hello, Sexy Unattainable Dream Car.


Thanksgiving break! I've been busy cleaning my room the past few days. Not done yet. :/

No makeup. I look like a dog haha.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Santogold - "Creator"

Then There's The Wildlife

The Bloody Beatroots ft. Cool Kids - "Awesome"

They Only Want You When You're 17

Ladytron - "Seventeen"

Sunday, November 22, 2009

You will be missed.

These last few days have been really tough. On Friday, November 20th, we had to put our sweet Rhodesian Ridgeback, Honey, to sleep. Her health has been deteriorating for many months on the day before she couldn't stand up at all. Her back legs stopped working altogether, she dragged herself out of the garage and broke her front foot in the process. It was terribly sad. I cried for hours. She was 14, one year younger than my brother. Usually Rhodesians live to be about 9, but Honey just had a zest for life --especially food-- and was incredibly stubborn. She was a big fat chicken, but a great dog. I have so many fond memories of her. At least she doesn't have to suffer any more. Rest in peace, Honey.

We'll always love you.

Honey 1995-2009


Rippjacket red- $145.59 - www.gold-marie.com

Jeweled Zip Front Skirt - $22.80 - www.forever21.com

Carvela Grind Chain & Buckle Detail Platform Shoes - $271.96 - www.asos.com

Friday, November 20, 2009


Still feeling sad. We had to put our dog, Honey, to sleep today. She was 14 years old, and just the sweetest thing. I'm really going to miss her. All my friends were really supportive though and I'm feeling better now. So currently I'm just reminiscing, listening to Tokio Hotel, and eating Warheads (burnilicious.)


Thursday, November 19, 2009


...But I don't want you to suffer anymore.

Goodbye, Honey.


Vogue - November 2009

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Glad that's over! This is completely irrelevant but I love this music video.

The Dead Weather - "Treat Me Like Your Mother"

Mmmm leather jackets.


i'm feeling/thinking i should/hoping i will find
hypothetical hypocritical mechanical impractical incomplete obsolete. restart rework rebound. direction emotion satisfaction.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


I will never come to terms with living, ever.

I think I should become a psychologist so that I can delve deeper into all the complications of the mind and humanity, but I think that doing so and attempting to comprehend would make me insane. Are people inherently good? Can they change? Is it better to be happy sometimes, all the time, or not at all? Would living in pure happiness take away from your humanity by making you ignorant to sorrow, a whole other component of humanity? What aspirations do we have that make us trudge onward through life? Why is it so difficult to be human? I guess it all boils down to the timeless question, "What is the meaning of life?" Yeah, I'm definitely going to become psycho psychologist.

Right now I want to spit some bullshit non-poetry and staple it on the face of the world. Give me a redbull vicodin cocktail or give me a more exciting way to die. That doesn't even make sense. But I typed it so it's going to stay there because that's the way I'm feeling at the moment.
Love, etc.

Edit: created poetman (bullshit non-poetry) category.


J Brand Tie-Dyed Skinny Jeans in Oz Wash - $198

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Pride & Football

Pride & Prejudice dress up day. First game of the playoffs.

I wore a fancy-pants dress to school today in an attempt to look like a turn of the 19th century British girl. The result was something that more closely resembled Ella Enchanted. (And hey there is photo evidence! ...Pity...) But no matter. Still got free food and extra credit! Basically, it was a really laid back day with people speaking in terrible British accents while dining on tea and cookies and exhibiting proper decorum. My friend Kevin wore a suit, which is nearly incomprehensible, as he wears the same outfit everyday. Someone stole my camera and managed to get this shot before he rebelled against the headwear.

We had an incredibly close football game today, but managed to pull a win in the last eight seconds. Pure insanity. Ran onto the field afterwards to see friends and took some ridiculous photos. We continue on the road to state!

More EMAs

The pictures from this are just too fantastic.

World Behind My Wall.

Set the piano on fire? Hell yes.


Tokio Hotel @ EMAs

Tokio Hotel wins Best Group at the European Music Awards 2009 in Berlin! They also performed World Behind My Wall, their next single. The show was absolutely SICK!

Congratulations guys!

Rrrarrrghhh, Heritage!

Celtic Fest. Hello, father's side of the family.

I saw lots of men in kilts. Lots and lots of men. Otherwise, they were wearing fashionable viking tunics. I also watched men (& women) throw logs and kettles. Finally, there were many viking games, including activities that appeared to viking variations of: tug-o-war, sumo wrestling, pole dancing, and gladiator warfare. And there was an Ent? Very interesting. Very bizarre.

On the way back to the car... Zaq found his first icecream truck and a herd of turtles.