Saturday, November 14, 2009

Pride & Football

Pride & Prejudice dress up day. First game of the playoffs.

I wore a fancy-pants dress to school today in an attempt to look like a turn of the 19th century British girl. The result was something that more closely resembled Ella Enchanted. (And hey there is photo evidence! ...Pity...) But no matter. Still got free food and extra credit! Basically, it was a really laid back day with people speaking in terrible British accents while dining on tea and cookies and exhibiting proper decorum. My friend Kevin wore a suit, which is nearly incomprehensible, as he wears the same outfit everyday. Someone stole my camera and managed to get this shot before he rebelled against the headwear.

We had an incredibly close football game today, but managed to pull a win in the last eight seconds. Pure insanity. Ran onto the field afterwards to see friends and took some ridiculous photos. We continue on the road to state!

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